Oklahoma City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Clayton T. Hasbrook

Written by Clayton T. Hasbrook. Last modified on April 3, 2024

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Hasbrook & Hasbrook
400 N Walker Ave #130, Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: 405-605-2426

Oklahoma City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

When we can no longer take care of our loved ones, we rely on nursing homes to help us. Sadly, not all nursing homes adhere to the standard of care our family members expect or deserve. When nursing homes fall short, our nursing home abuse lawyers are here to help you.

At Hasbrook & Hasbrook, we have experience fighting for families victimized by elder abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological abuse. Our nursing home abuse attorneys stop at nothing when we fight for our clients. Learn more about nursing home abuse cases and assisted living facilities below. Then, contact our Oklahoma nursing home abuse lawyers to schedule a free consultation.

Hiring an Oklahoma City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer: What to Look For

The state of Oklahoma is home to over 100 nursing homes with thousands of residents. In and around Oklahoma City, over thirty different options are available to families who have made the tough decision of entrusting the care of their loved ones to a long-term facility.

While most facilities take excellent care of their residents, others do anything but. An astounding one in six elderly nursing home residents has experienced some abuse or neglect each year.

Elderly abuse and neglect can sometimes be difficult to detect. But if you suspect anything untoward going on with your loved one, an Oklahoma City nursing home abuse lawyer could help you get to the bottom of it before any more maltreatment occurs. Call today to schedule a consultation and see how a compassionate attorney can help.

Nursing Home Abuse: Why It Happens

Nursing Home Abuse: Why It Happens

  • Understaffing. Many cases of nursing home abuse stem from facilities being understaffed. When there are too few staff members, residents may not receive the attention and care they need, leading to neglect and abuse. Understaffing can result in overwhelmed employees who may vent their frustrations on residents.

  • Inadequate training. Staff who are not properly trained to handle the complexities of elder care may become frustrated, leading to abusive behavior. Training should cover managing challenging behaviors and the importance of compassionate care. Without adequate training, caregivers may resort to abuse as a means of control.

  • Burnout and stress. Working in a nursing home can be highly stressful, leading to caregiver burnout. Burned-out staff are likelier to lash out at residents or neglect their duties. Facilities must provide support for staff to manage stress and prevent burnout.

  • Lack of oversight. Facilities with poor management and oversight provide an environment where abuse can occur without consequence. Abusive behaviors can go unnoticed and unreported without strict protocols and regular checks. Effective management and oversight are essential to prevent abuse.

  • Financial motivations. Some instances of abuse are motivated by financial gain, such as stealing from residents or exploiting them financially. Employees or even other residents may take advantage of vulnerable elders, manipulating them for money or valuables. Facilities must have measures in place to prevent financial exploitation.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

When people think of abuse, they commonly think of physical or emotional abuse. These types of abuses are common in everyday life and nursing homes, as do sexual and financial abuse. However, other types of abuse are more specific to nursing homes, such as neglect and chemical restraint.

Neglect occurs when the nursing home fails to ensure its residents are well-fed and clean, do not get bed sores, or are cared for appropriately given their condition. Chemical restraint involves improperly medicating a resident to make them more docile.

Common Injuries of Nursing Home Neglect

Common Injuries of Nursing Home Neglect

Bed sores, or pressure ulcers, are among the most common injuries resulting from neglect. Pressure ulcers are not a natural effect of aging, but they are normally preventable with basic hygiene measures.

Bed sores tend to develop on the boniest areas of the body, such as the hips, ankles, and wrists. They may take weeks or months to develop, depending on the individual. In addition to being extremely painful, bed sores can also lead to serious medical complications, including:

  • Cancer – Chronic wounds that never heal, called Marjolin’s ulcers, can develop into an aggressive type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.

  • Cellulitis – Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection capable of spreading rapidly and causing death.

  • Osteomyelitis – Osteomyelitis is a bone infection typically requiring surgical treatment to remove the infected bone.

  • Sepsis – occurs when bacteria from open bed sore wounds pass into the bloodstream, potentially leading to organ failure and death.

Broken bones are also highly common. While it’s true that older adults are more susceptible to fractures due to factors like reduced bone density and difficulty balancing, that still does not excuse or explain a preventable injury, especially since nursing homes are supposed to monitor residents who are known to have a high risk of falling.

Emotional and Behavioral Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

  • Withdrawal from social activities. Victims of nursing home abuse may suddenly lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. This withdrawal can be a defense mechanism to cope with trauma. If a loved one starts to isolate themselves without a clear reason, it might be a sign of abuse.

  • Unexplained fear or anxiety. Noticeable fear or anxiety around certain staff members or residents could indicate mistreatment. Victims may exhibit signs of fear, such as trembling or agitation when they hear certain names or know they will have to interact with specific individuals. Pay attention to changes in behavior in the presence of certain people.

  • Sudden mood swings. Look for rapid mood changes that seem out of character, such as sudden anger, sadness, or fear. These emotional swings can result from psychological abuse and should not be dismissed as simply part of aging. Consistent mood swings may suggest an underlying issue related to abuse or neglect.

  • Depression or despair. Signs of depression, such as loss of appetite, sleeping too much or too little, and loss of interest in life, can be indicators of nursing home abuse. Depression can be a response to feeling hopeless and trapped in an abusive situation. It’s important to take these signs seriously and investigate further.

  • Regression to Childish Behaviors. In some cases, adults who are experiencing abuse may start to show regressive behaviors, such as thumb-sucking or babbling. This regression can be a coping mechanism for dealing with stress and trauma. Observing such changes in behavior warrants a closer look into their care environment.

What You Should Do If You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse

What You Should Do If You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse

  1. Document your observations. Note any signs of abuse, including dates, times, and descriptions of incidents. Documentation is needed to build a case against the abuser.

  2. Speak to your loved one. Talk to your loved one about your concerns in a safe and private setting. They may be fearful or reluctant to share, so approach the conversation sensitively.

  3. Report your concerns. Contact the nursing home’s administration to report your suspicions. They are required to investigate allegations of abuse.

  4. Contact adult protective services. If you believe your loved one is in immediate danger, contact Adult Protective Services in your area for an urgent investigation.

  5. Gather evidence. Collect any evidence of abuse, such as photographs of injuries, recordings of conversations, or personal accounts from your loved one.

  6. Seek legal advice. Consult with an Oklahoma City nursing home abuse lawyer to discuss your options for legal action and protection for your loved one.

  7. Remove your loved one from harm. If abuse is confirmed or strongly suspected, consider relocating your loved one to a safer environment to prevent further harm.

Nursing Home Negligence Lawsuit

If a nursing home resident in Oklahoma City suffers abuse, they can file a civil lawsuit against the facility to recover damages. In addition, the state allows third parties close to the resident to bring a suit on behalf of the injured resident.

To bring a successful suit based on negligence by a nursing home, the injured party must prove that the nursing home had a duty of care for its residents that it subsequently breached. The breach of duty directly caused damages to the resident filing the lawsuit.

The Nursing Home Care Act

Because the Nursing Home Care Act sets forth required standards for nursing home facilities, it should be fairly easy for the injured party to prove that the nursing home has a duty of care to avoid injuring its residents.

Furthermore, a breach of such a duty is generally a qualitative question that can be answered with evidence of abuse. Lastly, the injured party must prove that the nursing home’s negligence directly caused their injuries rather than some outside source. An experienced nursing home abuse attorney in Oklahoma City could help a plaintiff prove negligence.

How Our Oklahoma City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Fights for You

How Our Oklahoma City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Fights for You

Our Oklahoma City nursing home abuse lawyer at Hasbrook & Hasbrook understands the deep impact that abuse can have on elderly residents and their families. We are committed to fighting for the rights of your loved ones and holding abusive individuals and negligent facilities accountable for their actions. Our team thoroughly investigates each case, gathering evidence and building a strong legal strategy to pursue justice and compensation. We are dedicated to providing compassionate legal support throughout this difficult process, restoring your loved one’s dignity and safety.

Everyone Deserves Safety and Justice

We believe every resident deserves to live in a safe and respectful environment, free from harm and neglect. Our legal approach is personalized, recognizing the unique aspects of each case and tailoring our strategies to meet your specific needs. By leveraging our extensive knowledge of elder law and our commitment to advocacy, we aim to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. If you suspect nursing home abuse, trust Hasbrook & Hasbrook to be your ally in seeking justice and protecting the most vulnerable members of our community.

Contact an Oklahoma City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Today

Contact an Oklahoma City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Today

When abused, vulnerable populations need family members and experienced legal professionals to stand up for them. At Hasbrook & Hasbrook, we fight for you. If you suspect a nursing home abusing someone you love, contact an Oklahoma City nursing home abuse lawyer today to see your options. Reach out to us to schedule a free consultation.

This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, who has years of legal experience as a personal injury lawyer. Our last modified date shows when this page was last reviewed.


This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, Clayton T. Hasbrook who has years of legal experience as a personal injury lawyer. Our last modified date shows when this page was last reviewed.